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Agenda of the 5th SIG meeting

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CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model Special Interest Group

CCRM_To_ISO (meeting in Greece)


Invitation and agenda for the upcoming 5th meeting of the CIDOC Special Interest Group (SIG) and ISO/TC46/SC4/WG9 in Rethymnon, Crete, Greece

Meeting Date:

22nd to 25th of October 2002

Meeting Place:

Rethymnon, Crete, Greece

Meeting Site:

Institute of Mediterranean Studies, FORTH

Organized By:

ICS-FORTH, Centre for Cultural Informatics

Interested participants please contact Martin Doerr.

How to find the meeting Place:

The meetings will take place at the meeting room of the Institute for Mediterranean Studies, FORTH, Melissinou Road 130 at the corner with the road Nikiforou Foka. In Rethymnon, Crete, Greece. Melissinou road is a straight road next to the southern side of the large Venetian fortress Fortezza, right in the city centre and next to the sea.

Two airports are close to Rethymnon: Heraklion, at a distance of about 80 km, and Chania, at a distance of about 60 km. The last bus from Heraklion leaves at 20:30. Taxi from Heraklion will cost about 45 Euro. The tour to Rethymnon is beautiful.

This web page has practical information about Crete:

Why is the upcoming meeting in Rethymnon so important?

The next joined meeting of the CIDOC CRM SIG and ISO/TC46/SC4/WG9 will be very important. After the modelling constructs and most scope notes of the CIDOC CRM have been decided on the last meeting in Copenhagen, the remaining set of 43 scope notes for properties have to be decided and the last consistency problems have to be fixed. We shall then have the final version of the technical contents. The form and introductory texts for the ISO FDIS have to be decided, so that we are able to produce an FDIS proposal end of this year. We shall intensify in this meeting contacts with implementers and discuss how to bring forward application knowledge, i.e. issues of presentation, dissemination, training and application and attracting more members.

Particularly the discussion of the property scope notes is a chance for all new-comers to understand the CIDOC CRM in depth.

A discussion point particularly important for implementers will be the discussion of a compatibility predicate (issue 39).

This meeting will cover the following issues:

  1. Introduction to the CIDOC CRM for new-comers,

  2. Overall presentation of the extensions of the CIDOC CRM version 3.3, envisaged as FDIS, in comparison to the CIDOC CRM version 3.2, currently being proposed as Committee Draft (DIS).

  3. Amendments:
    Decision on issues: 104,106,107,108,112

  4. Validating Applications:
    Discussion on prototypical scenarios of use, what should be the validating applications, which kinds of supporting documents are needed. Decision on the document about CIDOC CRM use (issue 19). Progress on issues nr. 19,39,

  5. Editorial Decision on the complete property scope notes, issue 43, and issues nr.16,50,92,97,100,101,102,103,105,109,110,111;

  6. Extended documentation:
    Dealing with presentation, good practice, FAQ and interpretation issues. Decision on issue 18,57,59. Progress report on issues nr.22,23,28,44,51,54,55,60,65,98,99.

  7. Presentation of the new Web-site, decision on how to organize a team for supporting the web-site maintenance.

Please do not hesitate to submit your issues before this meeting. In order to have an effective discussion, we prefer to have new issues raised during a meeting to be discussed in the following meeting.

The agenda will consist as usual of the tutorial for newcomers and a general training topic, this time an overall presentation of all extensions and amendments from version 3.2 to the envisaged final version 3. Following is the editorial package, the "must" of this meeting, i.e. decisions about the form and elements of the introductory text for the FDIS, and finishing scope notes and amendments. This may need less or more than foreseen, so the rest of the agenda will be adapted to the outcome. We have calculated about 10 minutes discussion per scope note. It will take us about one and a half day.
After this major achievement we shall have time to learn a bit more about projects of our newcomers and hosts, and we shall close the day with the discussion about the foreseen accompanying documentation.
The last day we shall devote to questions relevant for implementers, planning outreach, organizing the International Symposium and the future of the CIDOC CRM SIG. For the program is extremely tight (as usual), please do not plan to leave on Friday before the end of the meeting.

Meeting moderation: Martin Doerr

Tuesday - 22nd of October

9.00 - 9.15

Welcome and general information by the hosting Institute of Mediterranean Studies, introduction of all participants.

9.15 - 9:30

Update on the progress at ISO, Nick Crofts

9:30 - 12.00

Introduction to the CIDOC CRM for new members, presentation by M. Doerr
with discussion:
- Motivating object-oriented conceptual modelling
- Scope and purpose of the CIDOC CRM
- The major elements of the CIDOC CRM
- The application: transformation of data to a CIDOC CRM compatible form

12.00 - 13.30


13.30 -15.00

Overall presentation of the extensions in CIDOC CRM version 3.3 by M.Doerr

15.30- 17:30

Editorial discussion: Decision about the elements and form of the
introductory text to the Definition of the CIDOC CRM (issues 16,19,50,92).

18.00 - 19.00

CHIOS Steering-Group managerial meeting

Wednesday -23rd of October

9.00 - 10.00.

Amendment session: Issues 104,106,107,108, 112

10.00 - 10:30

Decision on issue109, property scope notes (issue 43)

11.00 - 12.30

Decision on property scope notes (issue 43)

12.30 - 14.00


14.00 - 15.30

Decision on property scope notes (issue 43)

16.00 - 18.30

Decision on property scope notes (issue 43)

20.30 - xx

Social Dinner

Thursday - 24th of October

9.00 - 10.30

Decision on property scope notes (issue 43)

11:00 -12:30

Editorial issues nr. 97,100,101,102,103,105,109,110,111 .

12.30 - 14.00


14.00 - 15:30

Demonstration by the Institute of Mediterranean Studies, presentation by
the new comers about their work.

16:00 - 18.30

Progress on specific implemention guidelines: Issues 23,44,51,65,98,99
and issue 54, FAQ. Format to be discussed and decided, work to be distributed. Discussion of the needs to activate the new Website.

Friday - 25th of October

9.00 - 10.30

Discussion of issue 19, 39: Definition of a compatibility predicate to
become part of the standard. Progress on test data sets and the way they will be used.

11:00 -12:30

Decision on the document about use. Detailed action for further
documentation. (issue 19, 22), in context with issue 28,57,55,60: Outreach, teaching effort, implementers, museums and libraries, new communities.

12.30 - 14.00


14.00 - 15:30

Planning of the Symposium and 6th Meeting. Program Committee,
advertising, rules of acceptance, contributions from SIG partners, advertising material.

16:00 - 17.30

Action plan for further funding of the CIDOC CRM SIG, partner issues,
wrap-up and distribution of work.


- Next meeting from March 25-28 in Washington DC, Hosted by NMAI, Smithsonian Institutions.

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Last Updated: 01-08-2003