10 June, 2012
CIDOC 2012 Workshops, Workshop1: "Harmonized models for the Digital World"
National Museum of Finland, Auditorium
June 10, 2012
CIDOC 2012 Workshops: pdf file (163 KB)
CIDOC 2012 Workshops at a Glance:pdf file (46.3 KB)
28 -29 January, 2010
Conceptual Modelling for Archives,
Libraries and Museums
National Gallery in Helsinki, Finland
January 28-29, 2010
October 23-24, 2006
Exploring the limits of global models for
integration and use of historical
and scientific information
ICS-FORTH, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
October 23-24, 2006
Invited Speaker: Nicola Guarino, ISTC-CNR, Laboratory for Applied Ontology, Trento
Effective large scale information integration requires an agreement on the common semantics of the data structure elements and other categories employed. Recently, there has been increasing doubt about the possibility of global ontological models. However, knowledge integration based on mere similarity of categories, such as “inexact equivalence” does not allow for precise, global querying advanced reasoning, or interoperability. On the other hand, practical core ontologies such as CIDOC CRM (ISO21127:2006) demonstrate a surprisingly wide validity over multiple domains.
This workshop explores the limits of such global models for integrating and making use of historical and scientific information, in order to enhance both, our theoretical understanding of the limits of ontological agreement in a specific application setting, and our practical understanding of how to implement effective large scale knowledge integration services and exploit the power of global models.
The application of formal ontologies in cultural domains such as museums, libraries, and archives, the semantic web, and other related areas, inevitably raises difficult theoretical problems which appear to complicate the development of practical ontologies. For instance, these problems affect directly the performance of information systems, when there is no agreement on the identity and unity of referred items, such as:
- Does Tut-Ankh Amun still exist (i.e. as a mummy)
- Is Luther's translation an expression of the Holy Bible or another work?
- Is Caesar's coming to the Curia a part of the event of his murder?
- How can the respective ontological choices be objectified, and how can they be reconciled in practical applications?
- To which degree compatible generalizations of a model can compensate inconsistencies following the widening of the scope of a model? What are the limits of ontology harmonization?
- Which kinds of concepts tend to be globally compatible and which not, and in which sense?
This workshop elicits contributions related to studies, experiences and practical and theoretical solutions around the above problems. As well as formal information systems approaches to these problems we welcome contributions based on perspectives from philosophy, from cognitive science, and from the social sciences.
On the other side, this workshop elicits contributions about the application and prospects and limits of domain overarching information integration, in particular with respect to cultural heritage and scientific information. Issues in this area include:
- Models for the semantic interoperability and integration of scientific and cultural information and possibly other disciplines.
- The long-term preservation and future interoperability of data structure semantics.
- Scalable information architectures, linking and reasoning services under semantic models, in particular scalable solutions.
The following topics are of particular interest:
- Philosophical implications or controversies with respect ontological choices of the CIDOC CRM, FRBR and other core ontologies for information in libraries, archives, museum and scientific data repositories.
- Identity and temporal existence of conceptual items. Identity of Works. Can works or texts gain or lose non-relational properties? Is identity based on the continuity of tradition or essential properties?
- Work as continuant versus Work as occurrent.
- Identity and substance of events, parts of events, spatiotemporal limits of events in non-discrete models compatible with the nature of historical records.
Methods for managing the practical needs of information systems.
- Objective criteria for selecting and justifying ontological choices in information systems
- Harmonization of ontologies. Can Digital Libraries be based on one global information model, or why not?
- Integrating cultural and scientific heritage: Scientific records as historical data. Integrated access and (re)use. E-science metadata. The relevance of factual knowledge for e-science.
- Preservation of data structure semantics – interoperability with the future.
- Knowledge extraction and core ontologies.
- Document linking and semantic relationships.
Organizers: |
CIDOC CRM Special Interest Group, ICS-FORTH, DELOS Network of Excellence |
Workshop Chairs: |
Martin Doerr and Allen Renear |
Program Committee: |
Martin Doer, Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research and Technology, Heraklion, Greece
Allen Renear, Graduate School of Library and Information Science,
University of Illinois
Laure Vieu, Laboratory for Applied Ontology (ISTC-CNR), Trento
Siegfried Krause, Germanisches Nationalmuseum
Christian-Emil Ore, Unit for digital documentation, Faculty of Humanities, University of Oslo
Dolores Iorizzo, London e-Science Center, Imperial College London Liz Lyon, UKOLN, University of Bath |
*Detailed program will be announced in September.
Date of Announcement: February 2006
Call for participation
September 10, 2006
A full day tutorial titled "The CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model - A New Standard for Knowledge Sharing" took place on Sunday September 10, 2006 as part of the CIDOC '06 conference in
Gothenburg, Sweden.
Date of Announcement: 21 June 2006
March 30, 2006
Semantic Interoperability for e-Research
in the Sciences, Arts and Humanities
Imperial College Internet Institute
Imperial College London
30 March, 2006
The Imperial College Internet Centre, CIDOC CRM Special Interest Group, DELOS and AHRC e-
Science Support Centre, invite you to attend a workshop focusing on the problems of semantic
interoperability for e-Research in the Sciences, Arts and Humanities which is intended to examine
research challenges and strategies in the areas of knowledge management, information search, retrieval
and integration, semantic interoperability and knowledge extraction, with the goal of breaking down the
artificial barriers between these disciplines and forging a common research agenda for working across
these traditionally separate domains. The central aim of this workshop is to bring together a group of
international researchers from the arts, humanities and sciences to clarify the extent to which recent
advances in semantic web and e-Science technologies can offer generic solutions to a wide range of
application areas, to examine and challenge preconceptions about the creation and implementation of
non-domain specific ontologies, to evaluate ontology driven semantic interoperability as a strategy for
developing knowledge technologies across multiple heterogeneous collections, and to access new
methods of research that naturally follow from the use of these new technologies. Presentations will be
offered in the areas of Biodiversity, Chemistry, Environmental Informatics, Knowledge Organisation
Systems, Mapping Technologies, Cultural Heritage in Museums, Libraries and Archives. The workshop
will close with a common discussion.
Presentations and a summary of the discussion will be published on the Web. There is no fee for
attending this workshop, but pre-registration is required: please notify Dolores Iorizzo, Imperial College
Internet Centre, if you plan to attend (
Dolores Iorizzo
Date of Announcement:22 November 2005
November 14-15, 2005
The workshop and tutorial was part of
the 11th joined meeting of the CIDOC
and took place in Nuremberg, Germany, November 14-15, 2005.
Date of Announcement: 22 August 2005
December 7-10, 2004
The workshop was part of the 10th joined
meeting of the CIDOC CRM SIG and ISO/TC46/SC4/WG9
and took place at the Germanisches
Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg, Germany, December 7-10, 2004.
Date of Announcement: 01 June 2004
April 20-22, 2004
The scientific workshop “Practice
of Knowledge Sharing” was part of the 9th joined
meeting of the CIDOC CRM SIG and ISO/TC46/SC4/WG9 and
took place in Heraklion, Greece, April 20-22 2004.
Date of Announcement: 24 November 2003
Minutes available: word file (111
of Knowledge Sharing
CIDOC CRM Workshop
April 20-22
Heraklion, Crete, Greece
The CIDOC CRM Special Interest Group and
ICS-FORTH invite you to a three-day International Workshop designed
to bring together researchers and practitioners in information
provision and exchange, be it within organizations or on the envisaged
semantic Web, in the area of scientific and cultural heritage,
with the goal to present and discuss technical, organizational,
and philosophical issues of effectively sharing knowledge among
museums, libraries, and archives and integrating information within
cultural institutions.
The program will comprise 2 days of submitted
papers and discussions. The third day will be a CIDOC CRM SIG working
meeting, open to all interested newcomers. The working meeting
will deal with the planning of actions in reaction to the discussions
and presentations. Paper submissions are welcome on the following
topics (or any other topic relevant to the workshop theme):
- Inferencing, queries and user interfaces
to large repositories of cultural information, in particular
in CRM compatible form. Hiding complexity to the user.
- Methodology and tools of mapping source
schemata to the CRM or other global models for information integration.
- Visualization of the CRM and other ontologies
rich in relationships.
- Integration architecture for large-scale
cultural information services: mediator versus data warehouse
- Systems and architectures for large
organizations that integrate collection, laboratory, archive
and library data.
- Optimal data store for repositories
of cultural information: RDBMS versus RDF triples, functionality-specific
- Methodology and organization of a mapping
registry and other information services to support users in questions
of information integration.
- Teaching the CRM: methods, target audiences,
- New applications of core ontologies
as the CRM.
Submission can be for: papers, presentations,
and position statements.
All contributions will be Web-published
on the CIDOC CRM Web-site.
Proposals, accompanied by an abstract of 100-300 words, should
be sent to:
Dr. Martin Doerr,
ICS-FORTH, Heraklion-Crete,
tel:+30 810 391625,
Submission dead-line by January 30, 2004.
Notification of acceptance by
February 15, 2004.
The International Committee for
Documentation (CIDOC) Conceptual Reference Model (CRM) Special
Interest Group (SIG) is an international group of curatorial
domain specialists, museum documentation experts, and information
scientists. Formed as a special group within the International
Council of Museums’ (ICOM) International Committee for
Documentation (CIDOC—Committee International pour la Documentation),
the CRM SIG has worked for the last three years in partnership
with ISO Technical Committee 46 to refine and validate the CIDOC
CRM (ISO21127:2006) and guide it through the ISO standardization
process towards full ISO standard status. It has reached now
its final form. The CRM represents an ontology for curatorial
knowledge, i.e. it describes in a formal language the explicit
and implicit concepts and relations relevant to the documentation
of museum objects and cultural heritage. The CIDOC CRM can be
used for conceptual reference, data exchange, systems design,
data integration, mediation systems and data warehouse schemes.

The CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model
(CRM) was presented at the ECDL
2003, 7th conference in the series of European Digital Library
Tutorial Title:The CIDOC
Conceptual Reference Model - New Standard for Knowledge Sharing
Presenter: Martin Doerr, Information Systems
Lab, Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research
and Technology - Hellas (FORTH), Vassilika Vouton.
Stephen Stead, Vice Chair, CIDOC/ICOM.
This tutorial will introduce the audience
to the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model, a core ontology and published
ISO standard (ISO21127:2006) for the semantic integration of cultural
information with library, archive and other information.
Duration: Half-day, 14.00-17.30,
Sunday August 17.
the Knowledge
CIDOC CRM Symposium
March 26 2003 2:00
pm - 6:20 pm
March 27 2003 9:00 am- 5:30 pm
S. Dillon Ripley
International Center
1100 Jefferson Drive SW
Washington, DC 20560
The CIDOC CRM Special Interest Group and
the Smithsonian Institution organized a two-day International Symposium
that brought together researchers and practitioners in information
provision and exchange, be it within organizations or on the envisaged
Semantic Web, in the area of scientific and cultural heritage,
with the goal to present and discuss technical, organizational,
and philosophical issues of effectively sharing knowledge among
museums, libraries, and archives and integrating information within
cultural institutions.
The program comprised invited talks, submitted
papers, and a panel discussions.
The following topics were addressed:
- enabling technologies for knowledge
sharing: what can be done now and what in the near future.
- key components for knowledge sharing:
ontologies, contextual information, identification, persistence;
- documentation practices enabling effective
knowledge sharing;
- success stories of knowledge sharing;
- social, organizational, and technical
- the role of trust in knowledge sharing.
A panel discussion identified key directions
for research and advocacy for the immediate future that would bring
us closer to shared and integrated knowledge in contemporary society.
The Symposium was held at the Smithsonian's
International Center in Washington, D.C.
The CIDOC CRM was presented and discussed
on March 26 from 9:00 to 12:00 as a separate seminar before
the Symposium.
We wish to thank the speakers for their
excellent presentations and the Smithsonian for the perfectlocal
The presentations and a summary of
the panel discussion will be published soon on this site.
Local Organizers:
NMAI, Smithsonian Institution
Doug Evelyn, NMAI Deputy Director
Jane Sledge, NMAI
Program Committee:
Martin Doerr chair
Tony Gill
Stephen Stead
Matthew Stiff

March 19, 2003
The CIDOC Conceptual Reference
Model (CRM) was presented at the Museums
and the Web 2003 Workshops.
This tutorial introduced
the audience to the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (CRM). The tutorial explained
the scope and objectives of the model. It detaiedl on its construction principles
and major concepts it defines.
The following slides have
been pressented:
1. The CIDOC CRM, a Standard for the Integration
of Cultural Information [ppt file]
2. Mapping a Data Structure to the CIDOC
Conceptual Reference Model [ppt file]
The following slides have been presented
on the CRM tutorial on Workshop
7, Archaologie und Computer, on November 20, 2002 in Vienna,
1. The
CIDOC CRM, a Standard for the Integration of Cultural Information [ppt
April 2-6, 2002
The Conference "Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archeology",
CAA2002, with title "The Digital Heritage of Archeology", took place
in Heraklion, Crete, Greece, April 2-6, 2002.
There was a full-day tutorial and workshop
on the CIDOC CRM on April 2, 2002
The following slides have been presented
on the CRM tutorial on CAA2002, April 2, in Heraklion, Crete:
1. The CIDOC CRM, a Standard for the Integration
of Cultural Information [ppt file]
2. Mapping a Data Structure to the CIDOC Conceptual
Reference Model [ppt file]
The Slides about the mapping procedure
describe the mapping of the sample data provided to us by courtesy
of the Science Museum London, see ("Data
Transformations"). |